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Our core service.

Geophysical surveys have been the core of MMT services since 1976. Our geophysical surveys provide detailed information on the bathymetry, seabed- and sub-bottom conditions, infrastructure and installation hazards. We use a wide range of equipment and platforms to be able to meet any specific requirements from our clients.


The standard equipment includes multibeam echo sounders, side-scan sonars, magnetometers and sub-bottom profilers operated from a towfish, work class ROV, the MMT developed Surveyor Interceptor or AUV. In addition, we also offer a range or of additional equipment such as sparkers, boomers, gradiometers, drones etc. In cooperation with 2D/3D UHRS and 2D HR specialists, MMT also offers high resolution multichannel seismic solutions.


Thanks to our wide experience in geophysical survey we can provide our client with complete solutions from onshore to deep water.

Visualised seabed